Sunday, March 1, 2009

That Dam Run 5k 2009

My March 5k came a day after a challenging long training run with my group Runner's Edge of the Rockies that featured a climb of over 800 vertical feet over the course of 7 miles and a grueling 9-minute pace for most of the back half. Even after a four-hour long nap that afternoon, I wasn't convinced I'd have my fastest race today. But I was sure it would be a fun one.

It was also a pretty chilly one. Temperatures were somewhere in the 40s, with cloud cover and a decent breeze (or is it just "wind" in colder weather? Most times you hear people refer to "a slight breeze" as a good thing, cooling off a too-warm day. If it's already cold, I think people just call it "wind"). I spent some time chatting with some friends before the race, counting on the race itself (not to mention my 2-mile warmup jog) to elevate my temperature as usual.

Unlike my other two 5k races this year, this one was not held at Washington Park; instead this was on the Cherry Creek Dam Road--hence the name (actual conversation: "Hey Keri, why is this race here instead of at Washington Park?" "Well, because it's the Dam Road run."). Thus, the race is an out-and-back. For the first half mile (or just short of), runners are allowed to cover the entire two-lane road, but at that point (after the crowd has thinned somewhat) are moved over to the right side. This has the added bonus of seeing the first-place finishers come streaking past as you're still on your way out (at once very inspiring and somewhat demoralizing: "Wait, they're back here ALREADY!?"). In fact the first finisher came racing past me soon after I hit the one-mile mark (I think I was at about 1.3. That's right, class. This kid had gone almost 2 miles in the time it had taken me to cover just over one). I also had the chance to wave at a couple of my friends who are faster than me as they came back.

I hit the turnaround at the halfway point feeling pretty strong for the ordeal I'd gone through the day before. Since the road was mostly flat with only a slight decline ahead of me in the final mile, I was able to maintain a strong pace of just about 8 minutes per mile. I picked it up only a little and managed to pick off some slower runners as I went--although a handful weren't going to go down without a fight. As I hit the slight decline in that last mile, I opened it up a little more. Although I'd been able to see the finish line ever since turning around, I hadn't tried to look at it too hard. Now I wanted to focus my attention on my goal, and on something between it and me.

When I ran the Valentine's 5k two weeks ago, a runner blazed by me in the final quarter mile much as I like to do myself. Today, that same runner (I recognized the back of his shaved head) had pulled ahead of me towards the very start. I'd thought he'd built up much more of a lead, but here he was, less than a quarter mile away from me as I approached the last half mile! I picked up my speed a little, wondering if I'd be able to pick him off or if he'd put on a burst at the end (or, worse, if he'd fight me fore it like Mark G did at the Super Bowl run!). As he drew closer to the finish line, I drew closer to him. As I crossed the 3 mile mark, he was less than 50 feet in front of me. With a final burst of speed, I pushed past him, crossing the finish only moments before he did. I also scored my fastest 5k time this year.

As I wound my way through the finish chute, a young child handed me a medal! I was impressed by that. I've gotten medals for finishing marathons and half marathons, and even one 10-mile race, but I never thought I'd get a medal for a small-distance race like this (okay, I did get one after a 10k, but that was in England)! This is a nice job, too: sturdy, on a thick band, and it spins in the middle! Keri told me later that it was only handed out to the first 140 or so runners.

Special shout-outs go to RER members Keri, Jen, and Bret (working) and Ted and Tinka (running). It's always great to see friends at events.

Official time: 25:25
Total races: 5
YTD race miles: 45.6
YTD total miles: 196.5
Days until my next race: 14

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