I first ran the Donor Dash in 2006. Since my mother was an organ donor, I feel this is a race I should continue to do. I missed it last year because I was in London (actually we were coming back to the States that day), but ran it this year, joined again by my Dad and sisters Sara and Maggie and brother-in-law Marty.
A new special thing that the Donor Alliance had put in place last year for the race was the Donor Garden. For a small fee you could have a poster made honoring a donor, which would be displayed near the starting line in a very nice presentation. We had one made featuring a very nice picture of my mother and the caption "She pioneered change and donated life." It was a very pretty tribute, but that day it almost didn't happen. The design company that Donor Alliance had contracted to make the signs did not deliver them on time, and when we got there before the race the Garden was set up with signs from last year. All the volunteers and staff were understandably upset (as were we), a little frantic, and apologetic. Luckily, a mere quarter of an hour before the start of the race, the signs did arrive. We got a very nice picture in front of my mom's sign, which I expect will end up in the Christmas letter this year.
The race itself was nearly perfect. Weather was ideal--still cool (but definitely warm by the end). There was a huge crowd, which always makes me feel jazzed when I run. And I had loaded up a new "fast race mix" on my iPod. Unfortunately all these conditions combined to make me forget my cardinal first rule of running a race--start slow and build. I mean, this was only a 5k, and I had warmed up beforehand, so I was feeling pretty strong; but I shot out of the gate at top speed and lost a fair amount of my energy after the first mile. When will I learn?! Still, for all that it was my second-fastest 5k to date (interestingly, my fastest remains my time from this race in 06).
Final time: 25:02
Author talk and book signing at Alpenglow
1 week ago
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