This was a first: a nighttime race the night before a long run (every so often I have a race the day after a long run, like the Father's Day 5k this year or the Cherry Creek Sneak for the last 2 years). Thanks to the Runners Roost Team, I got a free entry to this inaugural (for Denver at least) glow-in-the-dark party run at City Park.
I told myself going into tonight's race that I would race hard, and not let myself keep anything in the bag for tomorrow's scheduled 22 mile long run. I had a couple of decent warmup miles that left me feeling like I could have a very solid race. But for whatever reason, it wasn't to be. I started off at a decent enough clip, averaging 7:00 and 7:30 mile pace for almost three quarters of a mile! Then I had to walk (I'm not quite sure why) for a little bit. I rallied for the second mile, though my pace slipped to between 7:30 and 8:00 minutes. And, again, at about three quarters of the mile, I took a walk break. I think I was telling myself (despite the fact that I'd previously told myself I wouldn't tell myself) to relax because I had 22 miles scheduled for the next day. At least I managed to keep myself from walking during the third mile.
I've found that I sometimes do well with short races the day after a long run. Doing that the other way around (especially with less than 12 hours' rest) doesn't seem to work out as well.
Official Time: 25:03
YTD Race Miles: 81.5
YTD Total Miles: 906.8
Shiny: Thanks to all the glow stick necklaces and other lightup costumery, the place looked like an 80s neon paradise bar. Pretty cool, though.
Author talk and book signing at Alpenglow
1 week ago